Tower Bridge, Sacramento.
The City of Sacramento was granted sovereign tide and submerged lands in a portion of the old bed of the American River in trust in 1868 to facilitate furnishing sand, earth, or gravel to raise the streets, alleys and levees. In 1941, the grant was amended to authorize the Commission to sell or dispose of portions of the old bed of the American River. In 1970, the City was granted two described parcels of land in Miller Park for the establishment, improvement and conduct of a harbor, small boat harbor, marina, aquatic playground and similar recreational facilities and for all works, buildings, facilities, utilities, structures and appliances incidental, necessary or convenient for the promotion and accommodation of these uses or commerce and navigation, for all transportation and utility facilities or betterments incidental necessary or convenient for these uses, for public buildings, public assembly and meeting places, parks, playgrounds, bathhouses and bathing facilities, public recreation and fishing piers, public recreation facilities and for the establishment, preservation, restoration, improvement or maintenance of the unique recreational and aesthetic values connected with the waterfront area of the City.
- Annual Financial Statements
- Boundary Agreements, Exchange Agreements, Title Settlements
- Granting Statutes
- Staff Reports
- Trust Lands Use Plan & Reports
The City is required by Section 6306 of the Public Resources Code to complete an annual financial statement and standardized reporting form for trust lands on or before December 31 of each year.
Below is a list of reports the City has submitted:
Beginning June 2019, the City is required by Chapter 250, Statutes of 2018, Section 3(d)(1) to submit 20% of all annual gross revenues generated from leases or improvements to trust lands be transferred to the Commission, and requires the Commission to allocate 80% of those revenues to the General Fund and 20% to the Kapiloff Land Bank Fund for management of the Granted Lands Program.
Settlement / Agreement Number | Description |
AD 498 | |
AD 666 | Agreement between the State Lands Commission and the City of Sacramento to establish a common boundary line between state sovereign lands and city owned lands at Miller Park in Sacramento |
Statute | Description |
Chapter 519, Statutes of 1868 | An Act to facilitate the City of Sacramento in procuring material to raise its streets and levees. |
Chapter 581, Statutes of 1941 | An act to provide for the sale and conveyance of certain lands lying within the abandoned river channel of the American River lying in the County of Sacramento, State of California. |
Chapter 1266, Statutes of 1970 REPEALED by Chapter 250 |
An act granting and conveying certain tide and submerged lands to the City of Sacramento, a municipal corporation of the State of California, in furtherance of navigation, commerce, and fisheries upon certain trusts and conditions, and providing for the government, management, use, and control thereof, and reserving rights to the state. |
Chapter 625, Statutes of 1973 REPEALED by Chapter 250 |
An act to amend Sections 1 and 6 of Chapter 1266 of the Statutes of 1970, relating to tidelands and submerged lands granted to the City of Sacramento. |
Chapter 250, Statutes of 2018 | An act to repeal Chapter 1266 of the Statutes of 1970, and to repeal Chapter 625 of the Statutes of 1973, relating to public trust lands. |
Staff Report | Description |
04/26/2005 (60) | Consideration of proposed Title Settlement and Exchange Agreement involving The Sacramento Railyards and certain nearby parcels along the Sacramento and American rivers. The result of the Agreement would be to terminate any and all public trust and sovereign property rights in the former bed of the American River within the Railyards, acquisition of various parcels by the State, and issuance of a 49-year lease of lands acquired by the Commission to the City of Sacramento – Item pulled from agenda |
10/20/2005 (38) | Consideration of a proposed Title Settlement and Exchange Agreement at the Sacramento Railyards and certain nearby parcels within the city of Sacramento involving the former bed of the American River. Consider issuance of a 49-year lease of lands acquired to the City of Sacramento – Item pulled from agenda |
12/03/2007 (37) | Consideration of a proposed Title Settlement and Exchange Agreement involving the downtown Sacramento Railyards and certain nearby parcels along the Sacramento River. The result of the agreement would be to terminate any and all public trust and sovereign property rights in the former bed of the American River within the Railyards, acquisition of various parcels by the State, and issuance of a 49-year lease of lands acquire by the Commission to the City |
08/11/2009 (45) | Consideration of a proposed Title Settlement and Exchange Agreement involving the downtown Sacramento Railyards and certain nearby parcels along the Sacramento River. The result of the agreement would be to terminate any and all public trust and sovereign property rights in the former bed of the American River within the Railyards, acquisition of various parcels by the State, and issuance of a 49-year lease of lands acquire by the Commission to the City |
02/08/2011 (39) | Consider the substitution of a party to a previously approved Title Settlement and Land Exchange Agreement involving the downtown Sacramento Railyards and certain nearby parcels along the Sacramento River. IA Sacramento Holdings, L.L.C. will take the place of S. Thomas Enterprises of Sacramento, LLC as a party to the Agreement. The result of the Agreement would be termination of any and all sovereign public trust property rights in the former bed of the American River within the Railyards, acquisition of various parcels by the State and issuance of a 49-year lease of acquired lands by the Commission to the City of Sacramento – Item postponed from agenda |
04/06/2011 (59) | Consider amendments to a previously approved Title Settlement and Land Exchange Agreement involving the downtown Sacramento Railyards and the certain nearby parcels along the Sacramento River located in the city of Sacramento |
08/09/2016 (54) | Consider a Boundary Line Agreement between the Commission and the City of Sacramento, a Municipal Corporation, and the Redevelopment Agency successor agency (for the dissolved Redevelopment Agency of the City of Sacramento), an entity created by statute, to establish an agreed common boundary line between city owned properties, redevelopment agency successor agency owned properties, and state sovereign lands in and along the Sacramento River in Sacramento |
12/06/2016 (62) | Consider an Amendment to the previously authorized Title Settlement and Land Exchange Agreement involving the downtown Sacramento Railyards and certain nearby parcels along the Sacramento River – Item pulled from agenda |
02/27/2018 (77) | Consider a Boundary Line Agreement between the Commission and the City of Sacramento to establish a common boundary line between state-owned sovereign land and city-owned land at Miller Park in Sacramento |
04/19/2018 (108) | Consider sponsoring state legislation that would grant in trust to the city of Sacramento title to land associated with the Sacramento Downtown Railyards Title Settlement and Land Exchange Agreement, and that would repeal previous grants made to the city of Sacramento |
The City is required by subsections 4(f) and 4(g) of Chapter 250, Statutes of 2018, to submit a Trust Lands Use Plan and a report of trust uses five years thereafter, upon request of the Commission. The reports will be posted here as available.