The City of Martinez was granted certain sovereign lands in trust in 1851. The grant to the City was repealed and re-granted in 1976 and 2014. In 2014, the previous grant and amendments were repealed and a new statute was enacted granting the City four trust land... Read MoreRead more about City of Martinez
The East Bay Regional Park District was granted sovereign tide and submerged lands in trust in 1976 subject to certain conditions. The lands must be used for purposes in which there is a general statewide interest and be in conformance with the Martinez Waterfront... Read MoreRead more about East Bay Regional Park District
The City of Long Beach was granted sovereign tide and submerged lands in trust in the early 1900s. A portion of the City’s grant includes the Long Beach Harbor District. The City, acting by and through the Port of Long Beach, is trustee of the sovereign tide... Read MoreRead more about City of Long Beach
The San Diego Unified Port District was created by Chapter 67, Statutes of 1962 to manage in trust certain tide and submerged lands within the San Diego Bay. Lands within the Bay that had been previously granted to the cities of San Diego, Chula Vista, Coronado, and... Read MoreRead more about San Diego Unified Port District
The City and County of San Francisco, through the San Francisco Port Commission, was granted sovereign tide and submerged lands in trust in 1968 through legislation referred to as the Burton Act. Since the enactment of the Burton Act, the Legislature has amended the... Read MoreRead more about San Francisco Port Commission