Oakland, CA, USA – Skyline and Bridge, by Basil D. Soufi, is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
Beginning in 1852 and through a series of legislative grants from the state, the City of Oakland was granted, in trust, sovereign tide and submerged lands located within its boundaries. Through the City’s Charter, portions of these public trust lands are within the Port of Oakland and are managed by the City acting by and through its Board of Port Commissioners.
- AB 691 Sea Level Rise Impact Assessment
- Annual Financial Statements
- Boundary Agreements, Exchange Agreements, Title Settlements
- Granting Statutes
- Staff Reports
- Sea Level Rise Assessment, July 2019
The City & Port are required by Section 6306 of the Public Resources Code to complete an annual financial statement and standardized reporting form for trust lands on or before December 31 of each year.
Below is a list of reports the City & Port have submitted:
Settlement / Agreement Number | Description |
AD 71 | Compromise title settlement agreement |
AD 88 | Easement deed. |
AD 511 | Oakland Army Base title settlement and exchange agreement |
AD 548 | Boundary line and exchange agreement involving certain parcels within Oak to 9th streets in the city of Oakland. |
BLA 24 | |
BLA 72 | City of Oakland vs. State of California |
Statute | Description |
Chapter 107, Statutes of 1852 REPEALED by Chapter 73 |
To incorporate the Town of Oakland, and to provide for the construction of Wharves thereat. |
Chapter 73, Statutes of 1854 | An Act to incorporate the City of Oakland. |
Chapter 294, Statutes of 1862 | An Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the City of Oakland, passed March twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and repealing certain other Acts in relation to said city. |
Chapter 113, Statutes of 1874 | An Act granting certain salt, marsh and tide lands of the State to the City of Oakland. |
Chapter 390, Statutes of 1909 | An act granting certain lands and salt marsh and tide lands of the State of California, to the city of Oakland. |
Chapter 654, Statutes of 1911 | An act granting certain lands and salt marsh and tide lands of the State of California, including the right to wharf out therefrom to the city of Oakland, and regulating the management, use and control thereof. |
Chapter 657, Statutes of 1911 | An act granting certain tide lands and submerged lands of the State of California to the city of Oakland and regulating the management, use and control thereof. |
Chapter 59, Statutes of 1917 | An act to amend section one of an act entitled “An act granting certain tidelands and submerged lands of the State of California to the city of Oakland, and regulating the management, use and control thereof,” approved May 1, 1911. |
Chapter 516, Statutes of 1919 | An act to amend section one of an act entitled “An act granting certain tidelands and submerged lands of the State of California to the city of Oakland, and regulating the management, use and control thereof,” approved May 1, 1911, and an act amendatory thereof, approved April 5, 1917. |
Chapter 174, Statutes of 1923 | An act granting certain lands, tidelands and submerged lands of the State of California to the city of Oakland and regulating the management, use and control thereof. |
Chapter 621, Statutes of 1931 | An act granting certain lands and salt marsh and tidelands of the State of California to the city of Oakland, including the management, use and control thereof. |
Chapter 45, Statutes of 1937 | An act granting certain salt marsh, tide and submerged lands of the State of California to the city of Oakland, including the management, use and control thereof. |
Chapter 96, Statutes of 1937 | An act to add section 1.5 to an act entitled “An act granting Stats 1911, certain tidelands and submerged lands of the State of California to the city of Oakland and regulating the management, use and control thereof.” approved May 1, 1911, relating to the use and transfer of such lands. |
Chapter 343, Statutes of 1937 | An act granting certain salt marsh, tide and submerged lands of the State of California to the city of Oakland, including the management, use and control thereof. |
Chapter 908, Statutes of 1937 | An act to add a new section to be numbered section 2 to Chapter 621 of the Statutes of 1931 entitled “An act granting certain lands and salt marsh and tidelands of the State of California to the city of Oakland, including the management, use and control thereof,” approved June 5, 1931, relating to the grant of lands to said city. |
Chapter 143, Statutes of 1939 | An act to add section 1.25 to an act entitled “An act granting certain lands and salt marsh and tidelands of the State of California, to the city of Oakland,” approved March 22, 1909, relating to the use and transfer of parts of such lands to the State of California for State militia purposes. |
Chapter 146, Statutes of 1939 | An act to add section 1.5 to an act entitled “An act granting certain lands and salt marsh and tidelands of the State of California, including the right to wharf out therefrom to the city of Oakland, and regulating the management, use and control thereof,” approved May 1, 1911, relating to the use and transfer of parts of such lands to the State of California. |
Chapter 147, Statutes of 1939 | An act to add section 1.5 to an act entitled “An act granting certain lands and salt marsh and tidelands of the State amended of California, to the city of Oakland,” approved March 22, 1909, relating to the use and transfer of parts of such lands to the State of California. |
Chapter 720, Statutes of 1941 | An act to transfer to the City of Oakland a surface easement over certain tide and submerged lands and to define the powers and duties of the city in relation thereto. |
Chapter 607, Statutes of 1943 | An act granting certain salt marsh, tide and submerged lands of the State of California to the City of Oakland, including the management, use and control thereof. |
Chapter 218, Statutes of 1945 | An act to transfer to the City of Oakland a surface easement over certain tide and submerged lands and to define the powers and duties of the city in relation thereto. |
Chapter 658, Statutes of 1953 | An act to amend Section 1.25 of Chapter 390 of the Statutes of 1909, relating to the use and transfer of certain lands granted to the City of Oakland. |
Chapter 1028, Statutes of 1955 | An act relating to tidelands, lands lying under inland navigable waters, and swamp and overflow lands, situate in Alameda County, State of California, including without limitation as to the generality thereof, authority for the City of Alameda to convey certain parcels of such lands to the City of Oakland, and to convey certain parcels of such lands to the City of Oakland, in furtherance of navigation and commerce and fisheries, and providing for the government, management, use and control thereof, and reserving certain rights to the State. |
Chapter 709, Statutes of 1957 | An act conveying certain lands, salt marsh, tidelands, and submerged lands, situate in Alameda County, to the City of Oakland, in furtherance of navigation, commerce, and fisheries upon certain trusts and conditions, providing for the government, management, use, and control thereof, and reserving certain rights to the State. |
Chapter 15, Statutes of 1960 | An act to add Sections 1.75, 1.80, and 1.85 to Chapter 390 of the Statutes of 1909, relating to the use of the lands granted to the City of Oakland by said act for public multipurpose recreation. |
Chapter 931, Statutes of 1961 | An act to amend Section 1 of Chapter 607 of the Statutes of 1943, relating to salt marsh, tide and submerged lands in the County of Alameda. |
Chapter 1737, Statutes of 1965 | An act authorizing the sale to the Peralta Junior College District of certain salt marsh, tide and submerged lands previously granted in trust to the City of Oakland. |
Chapter 1016, Statutes of 1981 | An act relating to lands within the City of Oakland. |
Chapter 1415, Statutes of 1986 | An act to add Sections 6306.1 and 6306.2 to the Public Resources Code, relating to tidelands and submerged lands. |
Chapter 542, Statutes of 2004 | OakStreet to 9th Avenue District Exchange Act An act relating to the Oakland Estuary. |
Chapter 664, Statutes of 2005 | Oakland Army Base Public Trust Exchange Act An act relating to the Oakland Army Base. |
Chapter 752, Statutes of 2019 | Oakland Waterfront Sports and Mixed-Use Project, Waterfront Access, Environmental Justice, and Revitalization Act An act relating to the grant of public trust lands to the City of Oakland. |
Staff Report | Description |
03/29/1962 (29) | Approval of boundary agreement, by and between the City of Oakland and the State of California, fixing the boundary line between state tide and submerged lands and City of Oakland lands between Broadway and Washington Streets, and applying legislative trust terms and conditions to the lands northerly of the ordinary low water mark |
02/26/1970 (30) | Authorization to file finding of statutory compliance with substantial improvement clause of Chapter 1028, Statutes of 1955 |
03/28/1979 (24) | Consideration of substantial compliance with acts granting certain lands, salt marsh, and tidelands of the State to the City and permitting additional uses of the lands |
03/18/1981 (01) | Proposed compromise title settlement agreement SLL 72 |
01/21/1988 (52) | Approval of a compromise title settlement agreement regarding certain real property, pursuant to Kapiloff Land Bank Act |
12/13/1988 (17) | Authorize the acceptance and recordation of a quitclaim deed for a parcel of land |
10/26/1989 (32) | Approval of extension of final date of recordation of a title settlement agreement regarding certain real property in the City of Oakland |
08/22/2008 (29) | Dredging lease |
04/17/2006 (59) | Consider request for approval of Oakland Army Base title settlement and exchange agreement |
08/11/2009 (23) | Amendment of lease |
06/28/2010 (91) | Consideration of a boundary line and land exchange agreement, pursuant to Chapter 542, Statutes of 2004, between the Port of Oakland, Oakland Harbor Partners, LLC, and the Commission, involving certain parcels within the Oak to Ninth Avenue district |
10/29/2010 (32) | Amendment of dredging lease |
10/27/2011 (55) | Consider the adoption of resolutions acknowledging the 100th anniversary of the statutory trust grants of State sovereign lands resulting in the development of the Ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach and Oakland and their contribution to the economic vitality of the State and Nation |
06/21/2013 (85) | Consider authorizing the transfer of a parcel of land, known as Parcel E, in the former Oakland Army Base from the Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency (ORSA) to the City of Oakland, subject to the Public Trust, pursuant to the Oakland Army Base title settlement and exchange agreement, dated June 30, 2006, and Chapter 664, Statutes of 2005 |