Climate Change & Sea Level Rise

The Commission owns and manages millions of acres of sovereign lands and resources that it holds in trust subject to the common law Public Trust Doctrine. If unaddressed, sea level rise can have catastrophic consequences for these lands and resources. The Commission works hard to facilitate sea level rise preparedness, with an emphasis on protecting California’s public trust lands and the public’s right to access and enjoy these lands. The Commission partners with the Legislature and federal, state, and local agencies to stay at the forefront of efforts to mitigate the impacts of sea level rise on the lands and natural resources entrusted to its care.

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AB 691 - Proactively Planning for Sea Level Rise Impacts

AB 691 (Muratsuchi) Chapter 592, Statutes of 2013, involves sea level rise and granted public trust lands. Assessing the impacts of sea level rise on these lands is a management priority for grantees.


Mapping Tools and Resources

Resources for analysis and evaluation of impacts related to sea level rise.


Interagency Coordination

Commission staff contributes to state and regional efforts to prepare and adapt to sea level rise. Staff is a member of several interagency workgroups and initiatives, including: