Searching for 9451
Meeting Date | Item | NAME | WO | LSE_TYPE | Improvements | Location | PRC_Number | Non_PRC | County | Lease_Status |
2018-04-19 | C83 | County of San Bernardino | W 40990 | Min Res Lse | State 100 percent reserved mineral interest, school land, (State Parcel Number 195-522), located within the W/2 of the SW/4 of Section 36, T8N R7E, SBM, near Ludlow, approximately 45 miles east of Barstow and immediately north of Interstate 40 | PRC 9451 | San Bernardino | Initialized | ||
1973-02-22 | 3(Item) 94(Page) | PUBLIC AGENCY PERMIT | W 9451 | P 4729 |